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Is it necessary to conduct indoor environmental monitoring in public shopping malls and supermarkets?

Origin:Company News Edit:Guangdong Lvjing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd Time:2023-08-03

Large shopping centers are now good places for people to shop, relax, and entertain. The shopping center is getting bigger and bigger now. If you go to a shopping center, two or three hours may not be enough, especially during prime time such as holidays, discounts, and promotions, where the traffic increases sharply and the surrounding water cannot be drained. But shopping centers are like closed steamers, and customers often feel chest tightness and dizziness after shopping for a period of time. Here, we should be vigilant against the "shopping center indoor environmental pollution syndrome" caused by air pollution in shopping centers.
At present, most public environments such as supermarkets and shopping centers mainly rely on mechanical ventilation devices such as central air conditioning systems to regulate indoor air quality. Once the air volume is insufficient, oxygen deficiency, and indoor air is dirty, it can become a place where some respiratory infectious diseases are prevalent, affecting the health of shoppers. In some large shopping centers with high pedestrian traffic, the peak population can reach tens of thousands, resulting in excessive carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide emissions. The indoor environmental monitoring results indicate that during peak shopping hours, the carbon dioxide concentration at some monitoring points is more than 5-6 times that of outdoor carbon dioxide concentration.

At present, the main pollutants in indoor public environments such as shopping malls include formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, stupidity, inhalable particulate matter, and noise. Due to the large public area, shopping centers will use more decorative materials. The volatilization of harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene in decorative materials requires a long-term process. In the case of poor ventilation system, once the air volume is insufficient, oxygen is insufficient, and indoor air is dirty, it will become a place where some respiratory infectious diseases are prevalent, affecting the health of shoppers. Therefore, Blue House Intelligent Technology reminds that shopping centers and supermarkets should not be too long, and elderly people, children, heart disease patients, and cerebrovascular patients should try to avoid going to crowded places.


At present, the main sources of pollution in shopping malls, supermarkets, and other areas can be divided into four categories:

One is pollution from decoration materials in shopping malls and supermarkets. Some large shopping malls are eager to open, working overtime, and immediately opening after renovation. Without a period of ventilation, even if the fresh air system is turned on, some wooden boards and paint formaldehyde cannot be completely evaporated. Such an environment will definitely pose a threat to the health of shoppers.

The second is the fresh air system from shopping malls and supermarkets. In order to save electricity, some businesses have not opened or opened enough fresh air systems, and there is no outdoor fresh air entering, resulting in a surge in pedestrian flow and exceeding indoor carbon dioxide standards. China's "Indoor Air Quality Standards" and "Code for Indoor Environmental Pollution Control in Civil Buildings" both stipulate indoor air quality control standards for "secondary building projects" such as shopping malls, libraries, and restaurants. However, since these standards are not mandatory, businesses inevitably turn a blind eye when implementing them.

Thirdly, noise pollution. The clamor, speaker sound, speaking sound, and background music with increased volume in the mall can all make people restless and restless.

Fourthly, the smell of fresh food. The strong odor in the supermarket should be in the fresh food department. Fish and shrimp have a fishy smell. If it decays, the odor after bacterial contamination will be stronger, and air pollution will also be more severe.

For indoor environmental pollution in shopping malls, Lanju Intelligent Technology believes that it is important to "monitor first and then treat". By deploying indoor air environment monitoring systems and other environments in shopping malls, unified layout, setting monitoring points, and real-time monitoring of indoor air environment indicators such as PM2.5, PM10, formaldehyde, temperature and humidity, foolishness, noise, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other indoor pollutants, the monitoring data is displayed in real-time through a large screen, allowing customers to intuitively see indoor environmental pollution data and understand the environmental status, At the same time, it can provide reminders based on changes in indoor pollutants and provide humanized services. It can be linked with the fresh air ventilation system. When the pollutant index reaches the set threshold, the background automatically starts the ventilation system to expand the input of fresh air. Through effective monitoring and data management, it helps users discover indoor environmental problems in the mall in a timely manner, adjust and improve them.

Accurately monitoring and analyzing the overall air hygiene quality of public places such as shopping centers, especially in densely populated or high flow indoor places, establishing an efficient and reliable indoor air environment detection system, and taking necessary emergency measures in a timely manner have important social significance and practical application value.


Green environment protection

img3.pngCompany address: No.14 Yixinyuan, Huanshi West Road, Fugui Village, Chengjiang Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province

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img1.pngContact email: 745953437@qq.com

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